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Alfa Why is the hashtag so large on the poster? Really detracts from the artwork
Bravo The wheels could use some love
Charlie The clouds look like a sunny side up egg, maybe put a little more curves into it. Hashtag issues as well.
Delta True. I definitely over did the hashtag. How can I improve the wheels? Love the feedback on the clouds thank you
Echo Did you completely rip this design from someone else? Know a designer who has really owned this exact style of illustration...down to the exact cloud/ground line art...
Alfa Who?
Delta Which are you talking about? Because I designed this 100% by myself in NY computer. There are many many people illustrating and designing in this world. You can't expect for only one person to master a style.
Echo I'm not saying anyone mastered any style, i'm just saying it is eerily similar to this - https://dribbble.com/shots/2212035-Little-FJ
India ouch
Alfa Oh wow! Good spotting Echo. Emillorios, I think you've been busted.
Delta Okay, just because someone else designed a truck doesn't mean I can't design a truck myself. I designed everything from scratch on my own computer, & used other people's designs as INSPIRATION. Just like everyother designr
Bravo I personally don't think the cars are that similar. Ones a jeep and ones a Toyota. But those clouds are pretty much the same, and they're not even that good of clouds.
Alfa I'm sorry but that's not an inspiration, that's a rip off. No other way around it.
Delta How is that a rip off? So now that guys is the only person that can design those kind of clouds?? I designed my OWN truck with my own skills. A rip off would be COPYING EXACTLY his design.
Alfa The idea and layout is exactly the same. The details of the ground and clouds are exactly the same. You clearly saw the original image, then created yours based on it. This makes it a rip off.