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Alfa New app icon for this app and name (Sneaks). Look for it on the next update.
Bravo I feel like it could some dimension. Like shading where the ends meet so it looks folded?
Alfa I felt like it didn't look that good with shading when it's app icon sized. Will definitely be tweaked more before launch.
Charlie Other than it loosely representing an S - what is the rationale behind the design?
Alfa It's a spin on the original, basically an abstract take on the up and down arrows forming an S. I'm always open to suggestions.
Alfa Also if anyone would be interested we could do user submitted work for the app icon each month.
Delta Is the name 'Sneak' definitive?
Echo I don't like the name sneak - I don't think it encapsulates the purpose of the app. @alfa - great idea getting users to submit logo designs for the app icon! @siteadministrators - you should really consider pushing some form of design contest and shortlist some designs for everyone to feedback on.....maybe this would be better as a separate post?!
Alfa We're calling it Sneaks as in sneak peek. It's more inline with the original name Spill. It's about sharing what you're currently working on. If you have a better name let me know, ha.
Foxtrot Sneaks says nothing about sharing, feedback, inspiration, anonymity. It sounds like an American site for trainers. The USP of this site is the fact that people comment anonymously - that is what makes it unique. I think the brand should reflect this. (If I have any ideas I will post them!)
Golf Super cool