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Alfa The tagline lockup with the mark and name seem lopsided/off on the top one.
Bravo Bottom is better
Charlie Sorry should have given some context. The top was one I designed over a year ago. I came back to it and refreshed the brand now I have more experience. I put them together for context rather than comparison
Delta When I just look at things like this it just bores me straight away. So boring and commercial and in original
Delta The house should maybe go on top with bPS underneath it but being the same width as the house. The the rest of the text underneath, also same width. So it's all aligned and the overall shape is a house shape. The spacing between BPS needs to be more even There's a bigger gap between the b-p than the p-s
Echo I would left align the tag line so it Sets up with the far side of the logo
Foxtrot I'm seeing the house with the flap as a tent. For me that's suggesting the wrong direction for what my property would be worth.
Golf But cheeks... Or is it just me ?