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Alfa Super nice, love the guy in the G.
Bravo thanks @Alfa glad u like it
Charlie Beautiful concept. You may want to explain what Pflegedienst is, because then people would better understand how cool the g really is.
Bravo Thx Charlie, Pflegedienst means "careservice" in german. So it's about servicing old and sick people. The man in the G is supposed to be a dervish, these are the anatolian guys that dance turning in circles for hours :) it's the birdseye perpective, but this wont be recognized by the most people, it doesnt have to be recognized tough this is the background, my customer likes dervishes very much :)
Charlie To me it also looks as if the person is spreading a fresh bedsheet. Thumbs up und schöne Grüße aus Bonn.:)
Delta Pro work!