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Alfa Double tap to see the whole image 😊
Bravo I wish the gold bands weren't gradients
Charlie I female's expression seems "not festive/fun. I mean it is a party right? Also the triangle in the head is distracting- like she is an air-bender...
Alfa The bands aren't gradients, it's the vignette I put on the whole image. Maybe I should have moved the bands on top of the vignette layer?
Bravo Yeah that's a start- lose the drop shadows under the headlines as well. If it were me, I would get rid of the triangle, move everything up and put the logos under the headers. That way you have a chunky band at the bottom,
Bravo and a clean image on top.
Charlie Honestly the image is stronger on the cropped mode of this app. When I opened it full size, it was not so good.